I'm having issues with my accelerator pedal. The pedal is stiff and hard to push. Seems it's not the pedal assembly but the accelerator arm
itself. After taking off the access panel to check out where the arm attaches to the cable, I found that the accelerator arm is pushing too far
towards the passenger side, and rubbing on the access panel cover. Seems that the washer on the driver's side where the arm comes out of the pedal
cluster no longer fits the arm and is just free floating, so the arm can move a few mm back and forth. When I pull the arm towards the driver's side
the pedal moves freely again.
So my question is, how can I replace this washer so that the arm is held in place properly? Can I just undo the circlip on the passenger side of the
arm and pull out the arm, or do I have to remove the entire pedal cluster? Quick and easy solutions welcome
Unfortunately the only way to replace that thrust washer is as you said, remove the pedal assembly so the throttle pedal cross shaft can be removed. Normally, while your there, expect a major clean up of the pan and pedal assembly.
I agree with mattberry. It's going to be compete removal and clean up job.
You will probably find that the clutch cable hook is worn and that it is a good thing that you have removed it. Weld some metal into the hook and file
it down.
If you have difficulty re-fitting the cable, I suggest drilling a small hole in the tip of the hook and the base of the hook and wire the cable in
using some soft tie wire. It then won't pop off when juggling the pedal assembly back in.
Damn... thought as much. Thanks for the tips. If the crud under the access panel cover is anything to go by it's going to be very grateful for a
good cleanup!
Question part 2... What about using a circlip? Just thinking that if I can get one the right size, then perhaps I can install it over the arm without having to remove the assembly. Thoughts?