Hi everyone, can anyone help me out with info or photos on how to lower the front of a '62 beetle properly?
Cheers Rusty
buy a front end already cut and fitted with adjusters
get some dropped spindles if not too worried about top speed, gives you a good amount of drop, and full geometry as designed. No adjustability
why would the fitment of drop spindles affect the speed.
They don't have the best wrap for hard and fast driving. The stubs aren't as solidly mounted as the originals
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How low???
Mild lowering, 2-3" and either adjusters or dropped spindles, but for more adjustability or fine tuning, fitment of both will give you more
adjustability and lower is possible. Then there's also narrowing the beam if you want to turn at the same time as driving and what tyre and rim combo
and brakes to be concerned about, these effect the way/amount to lower it too.
Have you had that experence as i have run a set of CB dropped spindles for five years with very large brakes and drive the car pretty hard with not a problem, they are also fitted with 7" x 17" wheel, i have crack tested them twice and they show no signs of any fatigue, the caliper only misses the wheel centre by 4MM, as far as i can see they show no signs of flexing, just the rest of the front end does
If u buy the CRAP chinese cheap drop spindles then i would be weary
yes the CB spindles are the best