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Sticky accelerator linkage rose joints
beachbuggy61 - December 23rd, 2011 at 05:42 PM

Hi all,

I have a CB Performance injection setup which is about 6 months old and has only seen about a month's work on the car.

The rose joints on the accelerator linkage are sticky and hard to turn/swivel. This seems to be causing my throttle to stick. I've checked all the other bits and they move smoothly but the joints are tough!

Any ideas on how to free them up?

Sticking throttle = not fun! :)

Many thanks, Marc.

Bizarre - December 23rd, 2011 at 06:40 PM

I always had that with the CB linkage.
one was tight and the other loose.
Never stuck but not good.

From my wealth of new information - go CSP

I have had one for over a month and is sweet

Alan sells them on his website das parts or what ever

vwo60 - December 25th, 2011 at 10:13 PM

You can us a silicone spray on the rose joints, it dries and leaves a dry film of silicone lubricant, this does not attract dirt like oils, you could also try tapping the rose joint on it edge with a soft hammer when it has been removed from the car and placed on a hard surface, this should free it up, it worked on my set and the linkages work well when set up correctly