thinking about doing one of these ignition setups on
my car and wondering if anyone here has done it and
what they reckon?
sourcing edis 4 bits?
best place to buy MJ?
trigger wheel?
do you use MAP or TPS? or neither?
traps or pitfalls?
any info would be good.
Do a search and speak with Imac. I visited him in November and he is pretty switched on, with this stuff and swears by it.
thanks camo, sent imac a pm.
just read that the latest version megajolt 2 does away with the edis module...even more interesting.
Hello Phil,
I got your message but thought I'd put up the info in-case others may be interested.
Firstly it's the best value mod I've done, it does everything that I required. I use MAP and there are no pit falls just get the trigger wheel
mounted about 14mm of the face of the pulley so the VR sensor has room to miss the pulley and get it as true as possible ( within about .5 of a mm)
and start with the default map and modify to suit. The only technical drama I had was finding the comm port on the computer to allow communication but
if your half computer literate this shouldn't be an issue.
I got my EDIS stuff on E bay from a company called Atomic jaw breaker in the US (praise the Aussie dollar), just over $100 complete tested and
For the Megajolt go to heaps of info and a good
forum for any questions.
My advise, do it!
did it! soooooo good!
still setting up " vacuum advance", but even running a 2D map
is soo much better than distributor.
Coming into this one a bit late, but I can see you're already a convert!
I saw Ian's too and had to do it. I've now gone the next step and fitted Megasquirt which runs my EFI as well. Nothing like perfect timing to make
it run well, eh!
Thanks Imac for setting us straight!