I would like to drop my manx but not sure which way to go. I understand that adjusters will stiffen the ride while drop spindles can affect the wheels
sticking out a little. Will i need to get a narrow beam as well?
But I would like to know what people who have actually done this think?,
my cuz has a buggy with adjusters and he is going to buy the drop spindles.
He says with it lowered it handels like crap and the geomitory is all out ( he does have it at 100mm high though)
So he is going to get the spindles and have the adjusters there for fine tuning only. he had no need to narrow the beams.
You will not pick up much of a increase in track on the ball joint front end with dropped spindles, if you narrow the beam it will drive like a dray as this will increase the spring rate, the last thing you need on a manx,