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Friendly Welding health warning
psimitar - June 10th, 2012 at 11:42 PM

So I thought I would post a picture of the particle filters from my new 3M mask after doing 4 hours welding in a guys goldie ragtop yesterday

You can see just how much crap the filter caught and I'm not surprised why I used to get welders flu quite easily.

This welding was done under a carport so fairly good fresh air around me. With the mask I couldn't even smell the fumes and really glad I was wearing it.

Just thought people might like to know what they are breathing in

68BUS - June 11th, 2012 at 06:26 AM

Good topic. Thanks mate.
Welding burns are the other nasty. Welding in qld summer makes long sleeves hard but they are definately worth it.

HappyDaze - June 11th, 2012 at 06:56 AM

Some of us probably look after our cars better than ourselves. Hands up those with air filters on their engines!

It's not hard to damage eyes, hearing, lungs, skin, etc. By using a little care, such as your mask, a lot of damage ca be avoided. Well done.:tu: