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BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!!
ingonoko - August 21st, 2008 at 11:38 AM

Hello there!

My name is Carlos and i´m from Brazil. I have a BLOG about the beetles. Every day i post images, subjects, curiously and all about the beetle around the world. I need a help about your country´s Beetle. I would like know if there was a especial serie of the beetles in your country and need pictures of the beetles from your country to put in my BLOG to divulg for the brazians and all Latin america. I hope help of you. If someone want to divulg your Beetle in My BLOG i need:

Owner name:
City and Country lives:
Especification model:
Images from inside and outside
history of your Beetle


My email:

OBS: In my blog have a instant message to invite for me.


BR_look - April 9th, 2009 at 11:19 AM

Oi Carlos, acabei de te mandar um email!!