Bound to happen by out of all the cars they post a picture of a beetle getting removed from a pile of rubble?
The humanity of it all..... Do u think it floated?
Oh, was in the Friday Herald Sun (page 11)
Sorry about the picture quality. Scanner is playing up so had to take a photo with the digital camera.
I say that beetle in a collage of pics the other day in the Herald Sun...
I have a friend in Singapore that rescued a 1951 cabrio beetle from Sri Lanka some time ago!. He can't even register it in Singapore!
one of my old mans cousin's is restoring an oval in Sri Lanka and when
he (my old man) went back there last christmas (03) he saw his dads (my grandfathers) old white beetle still cruising around with the same rego
Wooh Yeah! thankfully theyre in the west so not terribly affected by the giant wave
Judging by the condition of the Beetle, they should have stayed in their car... It faired really well.