Found this on some site somewhere. Ouch. Hope the cyclist was OK.
forget about the cyclist. what year model is that beetle? bloody early judging by the bumper. Wonder if they wrote it off. Wonder if the price of a replacement guard was 25% the cost of a new car like it is today????
they both dont have indicators and the beetle looks like a split and the bus is a panel i think
ANYWAY what is the two things either side of the beetle bonnet handle..?
check out the top of the bus, it has a big star shaped sign on top, must b a commercial van !
Looks like it might be the cyclists bits !!:o
Its an oldie beetle alright. Grooved bumper and banana overriders. Gotta be a split
it was almost a VW sandwch HEHEHEHE imagine the prices of the cars new back the :o
" It was the car on the lefts fault ! "