I only have a few: springs, retainers and pushrods
I know others have some
Come on Matt
How about some throttle bodies
Look at his members ride thread. Just awesome. I need me some of those JPM parts for the ghia.
Since Mr Berry can't be bothered (nyuk nyuk nyuk)
Ahh, but you missed the best ones....un fortunately not for my car .....
And this one
Well they are a little bit nice aren't they!
Saw and touched this stuff today at Matts. Awesome Gear !!
Thats the type of Swedish porn I like !!
I do like his heads, just a bit too pricey
It does not get much better than that ! ....... if you have the $$$$
I'm super impressed with everything JPM that I've seen.
I'm certainly looking forward to building my engine using some of Johannes' beautiful parts.