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My ride - finally....Sunshine Bus (and now GOOOOOONE)
KOM123 - June 13th, 2004 at 09:54 PM

I may possibly be one of the slowest people to have posted their ride up in the member's section. It's taken me nearly 1000 posts to do so but at last it's done. Only as a by product of revamping the Flat Four Club website I thought I'd better throw our Kombi in the mix also.

Take a peek at  and then go to the Our Dubs section. Let me know what you think of our camper, the Sunshine Bus :)

Well our two littlies (girls 2.5 and 5) love it and hopefully you'll like it too.

[ Edited on 12-11-2005 by KOM123 ]

VWFOOL - June 13th, 2004 at 11:10 PM

its about time.
looks like a fun bus, ur kids muct be stoked, great work with the site too

KOM123 - June 14th, 2004 at 11:13 AM

I got all keen about putting my pics up just after I got the Kombi but then I kept doing a loop whereby I would say, "I'll put up the pics after I do this" and then I'd do it and then thinks of something else to do and then say "I'll put up the pics after I do this" and then....etc etc etc!!

Brad - June 14th, 2004 at 03:01 PM

[Edited on 14-6-2004 by Buggy Brad]

KOM123 - June 14th, 2004 at 05:03 PM

Thanks for posting the pic Brad :)

Here's a direct link to the page where all the shots are: 


Dannyboy - June 14th, 2004 at 08:30 PM

One day i'll have on , one day! It's great mate!


XXX-1.8T - June 14th, 2004 at 09:24 PM

best bay going around:beer:kiss

ph billet - June 14th, 2004 at 10:00 PM

you know what thay say the plumbers taps allways leak and the painters house needs painting.

KOM123 - November 12th, 2005 at 05:48 PM

Well it's finally happened. I've managed to stop stalling and let go of the old girl. Money for the Sunshine Bus has now changed hands....sigh. Many good trips in this Bus that I hope the kids (3) will remember. At least another person with kids is going to buy it and keep up the camping tradition :)

The good news is now have another Kombi so at least all is not lost. Will have to post some pics of that one too :)

VWFOOL - November 12th, 2005 at 06:57 PM

even though the sunshine bus was so cool, ur new bus rocks. we loved it at shootout

Fossil - November 22nd, 2005 at 05:34 PM

nice bsu and ssad sh's gone but at leats to someone worthy we hope

XXX-1.8T - November 22nd, 2005 at 09:23 PM

I reckon ur early bay is the one of the best Ive seen, so og and in top nick its immaculate, cant wait till shes slammed

KOM123 - November 24th, 2005 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by XXX-1.8T
..... cant wait till shes slammed

I can't wait either but the only thing getting slammed at the moment is my wallet before xmas!!!