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My Baja Bug
Boozer - December 30th, 2002 at 03:21 PM

Hi i'm a nube to the world of VW's, but i've always loved them and have always wanted to own one. My Dad got my one, another baja, a super beetle and a shedload of parts for $1200. Anywho my baja is a 62 that's pretty much stock but that will soon change.:D Hope ya like the pic more to come.

Buggy Boyz - December 31st, 2002 at 10:10 PM

Cool baja I hope to see it out playing in teh sun with us shortly :D:D

KruizinKombi - January 1st, 2003 at 08:12 PM

Nice graphics!:thumb

Incidently, I think I have a few of those wheels hiding in my shed....

The_Bronze. - January 3rd, 2003 at 08:07 AM

That's a nice looking ride you have there Boozer. I like the Graphics too.

We will have to catch up and play some time soon. I will be up there Next Chrissy but I won't be in the Dog-O-War unfortunately. If you not doing anything over Easter you should come down for the KlubVWoffroad and Manx Club weekend at Stockton and VW Nationals Sydney. I recommend joining either club as its great fun convoying all over the place.

Look forwad to more pics and hopefully sharing a beer or three one day.

jenz58 - January 3rd, 2003 at 08:10 AM

Very nice paint work and ride:thumb

Col - LOL

I'm sure you do have some in the shed:)

[Edited on 2-1-2003 by jenz58]

wrecker67 - February 11th, 2003 at 08:30 AM

:thumb:Dthats great looking baja,cant wait to finish mine....cheers