today i got my slef a 1960 beetle, although its got no motor supposidly majority of the parts (lights ect.) are in boxes in the car, oh yeh and its
got a flash kit with matching interior
ill admit its gonna need alot of :sandrine and its next inline after my bus but it was the right price and lus i can keep it where it is for how ever
long i want
[Edited on 12-10-2004 by pyr0]
cool mate...
good job
hey some one noticed :P
looks good mate hope its on the road soon
Good score with the side flash!
well done
hey guys the plate sez its a 1960 model but doesnt that mean it has the wrong tail lights ?
and the deck lid light..(not sure if its in these pics) its got a wide one when it should have a popes nose one as they call it:duh
yep thats right check it by the chasis no under the back seat.
plus it has a fuel guage???
Luke is this local:thumb
that looks flash..............and its got flash:P
oh and nice rack (show us ya rack:P)