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the supercharger
greedy51 - September 7th, 2002 at 07:07 AM

just thought that you guys and girls would like to see the supercharger in the bus i did all the work myself made the manafolds and mounts it took me 2 months using a dummy motor on a bench and all that i had was a arc welder and a oxy set

Bizarre - September 7th, 2002 at 09:06 PM

What sort or motor is in the Bus?

Looks good :thumb

greedy51 - September 8th, 2002 at 11:21 AM

it's a 1641 decompressed

humpty - September 8th, 2002 at 05:05 PM

Hey "51"...Well done on the conversion....
But I got a couple of questions.....

Didya cut the shroud?

And move the oil cooler?:thumb

greedy51 - September 10th, 2002 at 07:40 PM

the only thing that I had to move was the coil the manual fuel pump was replaced with an electric as the holes used to mount the pump were used to mount the blower mount
and the blower sits 6mm short of the fan housing I also used the alternator clamp as a point to locate the blower by using a treadded bar from one to the other thus allowing movement at both ends

[Edited on 10-9-2002 by greedy51]

OvalGlen - September 12th, 2002 at 09:15 PM

Steve Says "and the blower is going just beautifully so quiet and gives so much power and it still so easy to drive very tame untill you need it see ya mate"
................Glenn " I'll have to stop looking at your set up , making me too jealous. Now if you want to up the Boost - I might have some parts to help." Another mate is using the same blower as you on a 1776 and is getting over 240 HP. Yes its pushing a bit more boost." See you soon , Glenn.

greedy51 - September 16th, 2002 at 07:32 PM

240 hp now i'm slobbering so stop it or I will be out back tinkering:cool:

OvalGlen - September 20th, 2002 at 10:10 PM

You have a request for details (plans) for the mounting of your blower. Would it be Crass for me to suggest you make the brackets up and sell them, since you have the expertise now and it would save others having to spend all that time - others who probably make a lot more money than yourself. Just a thought.

greedy51 - September 23rd, 2002 at 04:57 PM

now thats a good idea really i found the mounting bracket the hardest to make because of how everything is so close and neededto be exact:thumb

Doug Sweetman - September 27th, 2002 at 05:09 PM

Actually I would love to know exactly which blower you are using, because I always thought to use the toyota blowers you had to cut the fan shroud ???

greedy51 - September 29th, 2002 at 06:05 PM

far enought question
the blower to use is the 4a-gze length 249 mm weight 10.8 kg. the one that you have to cut the shroud is the 1g-gze 311 mm and weights 11.9 kg common nams are sc12 and sc14 both have a red line of 7500 rpm and a bost of 0.7 bar so as you can see reves are not a problem and that bost is at 1.25 to 1 driven hope that helps I can buy them for $450.00 each with 3 months warrenty

[Edited on 29-9-2002 by greedy51]

Baja Wes - October 4th, 2002 at 10:04 PM

Steve, I like, I like alot. Very nice work. If you lived near me I'd let you borrow my G-tec meter for a before and after reading.

Glenn, 240HP from a 1776!?! that thing must be a hand grenade, or the $$$ engine fitted to Mikes drag car. Which one is it ;)

Doug Sweetman - October 18th, 2002 at 12:35 AM

Ahhh, the one off the 4AGZE that would make sense. Did you just weld the other pulley onto the stock one ? If so, any balance problems ?

Final question (this is a bit like an interrogation, I'm sorry) - I always thought these blowers had an internal oil resevoir to lubricate the blower lobes. Does it effect its operation having it on this angle, or am I mistaken ?

Mad Manx - October 21st, 2002 at 09:28 PM

Can I ask: What size is your driven pulley & what is your max boost from that size?

greedy51 - October 22nd, 2002 at 06:50 PM

yes i did weld the drive pully to the vw one and no i have no balence prob although I should as I did the job at home using a slide rule I used a large nut and bolt and using this locked the two together and using the rule just kept tapping until all was even as of now I have had no worries and I have had it up to 5000 no more the origional ratio is 1.25 to 1.00 but i'm only running .75 to 1.00 and have 4 lb of bust I will run this up to 6 lb by running the pullys at 1.00 to 1.00 at 1.25 to 1.00 it's 9 lb and i think on a vertually stock motor thats too much as I would like to keep this motor as long as possable hope that helps oh yeah the oil the small angle does not affect the oil at all it only displaces it by 1.5% of top no probs :cool:

[Edited on 22-10-2002 by greedy51]

type_one - February 18th, 2003 at 11:52 AM

Is it possible to get the pics back on this post?