My dad wanted me to put his VW up, so here is his VW Trike.It has a 1776cc. his future plans for it...i donno
this is how it looked when he got it...just picture it wheels,seats , just the body.H bought it for 10 bucks because the guy was throwing
it out.
An this is what it looks like now except a few added things that are on it now.An so nobody feels bad for the bug that this came from, the bug was
split in half so it was turned into a VW Trike.Post your coments of what you think.
hes cute
I was wondering what that was I could see next to your bug!
Looks awsome!
Ford taillights?
i think they are Ford Galaxy Ranchero taillights. I think thats what he said they were, not sure.
Yeah they look like Ford Galaxy lights. Nice either way.
he has a friend with a trike also, his is turbocharged with a 1835cc an it has bout 190hp an it weighs 1085lbs
I guess his trike you could consider a rat rod trike?
Only in the USA you can build some thing like that
this is how we do it down under
2ltr quad cam subaru 640kgs 120hp all day
This is the MISTRES
nice :thumb:thumb
Thats a sweet arse ride seagull, as are the others.