okay people what do you reckon , I just got hold of plastic lense covers for the poraga ,, should I put them on or keep them off
hard call, I would say off but i get the feeling that its just the pic. Reckon it would look better in real life with them on. So yeah go with them on. plus think of the extra speed you'll get with stream lining it!!!
Put them on , thats way i'm glad to see:thumb someone using all the stuff i had.LOL
Its a hard one, but i said keep them on. Makes it look a little flashier! :thumb
Ash x
Put them on gives it that awesome Hardcastle and McCormack car look, remember that show it was the $hit, back in the eighties, that and Knight Rider. Cheers Damo.
Keep them on, It finishes the look.
really hard..but i would say on
although it suits either way
I would say on.
Looks good and finishes off the lines nice.
on for aerodynamic, give you at least another 1mph down the strip I recon. lol
Makes it look more complete/factoryish
definately on.
on purely cos Ive never seen lenses for them before.
As long as they look cleaner than in the photo! Must be the piccy though, some perspex is hard to take piccies of.
Looks much better on, goes with the era and 'toy' look of the whole car. I actually love the look of these, the problem is there were so many crap
ones, like carrera kits and whaled verts in the day. See one really well done and you realise why all those that failed tried in the first place.
Good on you for bringing it back!
on for sure. good luck
the perspex it a bit scratched we were thinking off getting some tinted ones made from the originals and using them on the car when i put it in shows
but they do look better in person than in the pic LOL