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Karmann Ghia project (1st installment 02/02)
Cam - February 2nd, 2007 at 12:08 PM

Hi everyone,

I thought I might try an online documentation of my latest project.

This car belongs to my partner, Samantha and is a 1961 (according to the old rego sticker) Karmann Ghia. She won it off ebay as an incomplete project which was disassembled to the point of being an almost bare rolling shell, it has now fallen to me to complete the project before the next DOVW
We picked it up a few weeks ago along with all the parts that came with it (a couple of car loads so almost everything is there and correct). I then spent the next couple of days boxing up & cataloguing all the parts, put them into storage and pulled the body from the floorpan.

The previous owner has done all the rust repairs barring a few spots in the spare wheel well and engine bay, he had cut out and replaced all cancerous metal in the floorpan too. The 'pan work had also extended to the front bulkhead which is now a balljoint item.

The plans for it were a fully automatic conversion (since she has never driven a manual). However, after much serious consideration we decided to leave it manual and preserve as much originality as possible. I will be however doing an IRS conversion to complement the balljoint beam and make for a nicer drive all around.

Here are some photos of the shell sitting locked up and lonely at home.
The previous owner fitted sealed beam mini headlights, the original items did come with the car but they're a little worse for wear and since the mini ones are brand new and sealed beam I'm thinking of just leaving them on there.

Hope you guys enjoy and I look forward to reading your thoughts and comments.

[ Edited on 2-2-2007 by Cam ]

sinecure - February 2nd, 2007 at 01:03 PM

Nice score, it certainly looks pretty straight. And at least the previous owner has done most of the 'hard' work LOL!

Good luck. :thumb

empi - February 4th, 2007 at 12:19 PM

So the race is Onnnnnn!!!

baybuscamperkid - February 4th, 2007 at 02:55 PM

looke great with that ride height :D :yes:

supercharged 66 - February 4th, 2007 at 07:04 PM

Hi cam, alot of the hard work has been done....what colour does she want it? good luck with the project...zsolt..

VWCOOL - February 4th, 2007 at 09:42 PM

Here's some inspiration for ya: My ex with her just-completed KG resto

[ Edited on 4-2-2007 by VWCOOL ]

empi - February 7th, 2007 at 10:05 PM

Race ya!!