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Zak's upgrades - recently + gearbox carnage pics
pete wood - October 12th, 2008 at 06:49 PM

Here is my J&S buggy 'Zak'. He's been off the road since Australia day when I ate the gearbox on stockton beach....and I was driving like a nana at the time too. :mad:

Zak in the centre.

Here are some pics of the progress. motor and broken trans out...

New Schimo built 2l kombi box with albins top and t3 4 spider gear diff.

Old rear subframe and uprights chopped out ready for new subframe and tranny mounts.

New rear subframe. This triangulates the shock towers and chassis horns and ties them into the roll over structure. Along with the new engine supports it saved me 6kg in weight over the older inferior setup.

More soon.

trickysimon - October 12th, 2008 at 06:59 PM

Hmm photos didn't work for me..

pete wood - October 12th, 2008 at 07:03 PM

grrr, stupid website is down. try again a bit later I guess. sorry. :blush:

pete wood - October 12th, 2008 at 08:19 PM

finished rear subframe prior to paint

new engine supports

trans and subframe in

new rims and wheel studs installed, after years of lifting heavy tyres and rims on and holding them up while I put the lug nuts on I got over it and put studs in.

big write up here... 

pete wood - October 14th, 2008 at 03:45 PM

werl as of yesterday, Zak is all regoed again and back on the road. the clutch is not quite 100%, but aside of that, all is good or better than last time.

The back suspension is SOOOO much better. The chassis is so much better. I highly recommend bracing your shocktowers and chassis horns.

Here he is all regoed...

Rommel - October 14th, 2008 at 03:49 PM

Excellent work Pete, always liked them buggies:tu: Nice colou:smilegrin:r too

dangerous - October 15th, 2008 at 06:40 AM

What failed on your old trans Pete?

If that was the stud that joins the input shaft and/or the end of the mainshaft,
you may have a misalignment issue with the adapter plate.

pete wood - October 15th, 2008 at 07:47 AM

I think the front bearing on the main shaft collapsed. The stud was still in one piece. I haven't pulled the nose cone off yet, but I suspect that was what did it. I don't think it was the adaptor plate. I'll check though. I've got to replace the clutch, it's slipping, again. :fakesniff:

pete wood - October 15th, 2008 at 12:18 PM

now I know why I found this....

in the back of the trans.

I pulled the nose cone of the front of my old 002 trans today and found the front mainshaft bearing completely collapsed with on 2 balls left in the bearing and the remains of the rest of the bearing in the nose cone looking very sad. Without this bearing working the gears literally pushed eachother apart.

Must have been on the way out for a while and a weekend on stocko was enough to push it over the edge. I'll pull the rest of it apart at some stage, but I know it's going to be ugly. 1st and 3rd are bound to be completely stripped and who knows about the rest. The diff and ring gear seems ok though. Hopefully between this box and another one I have I can put together one useful unit. I have an 091 diff centre and support bearings to go in it too so all is not lost.

BTW, took Zak out for a spin this morning and the clutch slip seems to have disappeared so Oran pk Khanacross here we come! :punk:

pete wood - October 19th, 2008 at 08:06 AM

custom handle. guess what it operates?

trickysimon - October 19th, 2008 at 08:08 AM

Ejection seat?

pete wood - October 19th, 2008 at 08:40 AM

ha ha, :lol: try again