well i went on hols for a week and left neville in the hands of my mate, saint. asked hey could you lower him a tadd.
this was the first result...
as you can see... neville can scratch the belly on an ants nest...
and although saint was keen to leave him like this. the sensible 'have to get thru blue slip' approach took over, so here is nev sitting neat ready for the next stage.
another side of neville..
Oh man.. For the moment I thought we were talking the same language!!
I reckon I about 5mm of popping cat eyes, so scraping ants nests shouldn't be a drama..
mmmmm. very smooth and low!
Very nice, lookin good!
For a late model i love it.
love the rims too. maybe a 2 tone
For a late model i love it.
love the rims too. maybe a 2 tone
Sweet ride :thumb:thumb:thumb
Looks good for a late !!!
Can never be to low. :bounce:bounce:bounce
This story just keeps getting better and better. The top pics look phat, will it go back to that after you have it registered and stuff?
dude, nice work she is lookin real sweeet! dumpo her again after blue slip, she looks even hotter. the rims are nice too man. all it needs now is a 1916 worked
will look at definately putting down again at a later date. but at the moment it neville will stay the way he is until i sort the body stuff...
and will be in contact re those bits to kid.
very cool luv late t3
will lower my fastie about the same
oh MAD!!!!!! :o
LAAAARVE IT Make sure it goes back down