Anybody passing through and needs assistance, give me a call, have most spares for late Bay Kombi's, Tools, and a sholder to cry on!
Rob & Jodie 07 5590 7424
cheers, fish. P.S. could have used you a couple of weeks ago, stuck at the side of the road with a broken clutch cable. always carry a spare now. fish.:cussing
Yes I learned that lesson years ago, I now carry a fair few spares, I got stuck in Brisbane once, over the Xmas break on my way back to Sydney and had
to spend three nights in the caravan from hell, all because a needle and seat crapped itself and I didnt have a spare, all the shops were shut and had
to wait to get another, I now carry all the cables, needle and seat, dizzy cap, rotor, point set, coil, fuse's, globes, tool set and a few
others, If I had these before, the RACQ guy could have got me back on the road!
yeah if we get the same prob we will have the spare needle and seats cheers robo. i'll have to drop by before we head off mate.
cheers scotte:beer
Good stuff Mate
Just let me know in advance and I will make sure I am at home!