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Need Help 64 Beetle Pillar repair welds needed
Leonardo - May 7th, 2013 at 08:53 PM

Hi there Veedubbers,

I am in Melbourne, I have a 1964 Beetle and have some weld work needed on the doors L/R side ( Lower Pillars) are rusted through and I need the new Pillare parts welded in.

Does anyone in the area do this kind of body work? I have already bought the parts required to weld in.

Your time in reading this post is appreciated.

benny_acko - May 8th, 2013 at 09:19 AM

Sorry Leonardo I don't know anyone in Melbourne but found someone in Sydney (not much help).A[pologies for highjacking your thread with the question below:

I am after similar help in Sydney for repair to my driver's Side A Pillar. I have been quoted $110/hr + GST and not knowing the extent of the rust this could prove costly. If this damage didnt extend into the heater channels do you have a rough idea of how long this may take so I can work out a budget?



dswh - May 24th, 2013 at 08:16 AM

Hi Leonardo, I have used VW Performance in Croydon before. There work is good and prices are pretty fair.