G'day everyone
I'm eggy and new to the forum
My wife and I got married last year we've both always had a fascination with kombis, so naturally we hired a kombi as a wedding car from hire a kombi
down in geelong were we are from,
The time has come now of months of thinking time to buy one for ourselves,
So my eyes will be open as I start looking,
My question is we have a daughter 1.5year old and another on the way.
How to people go with the kids car seats in the buses, things to look for where do they attach etc. we will be mainly looking for a bus rather than a
camper more than likely a bay window , if this makes any difference
Thanks for any advice
Take care
Welcome Eggy.
You'll get plenty of good advice here.
g'day and welcome
T3 / vanagons have the child restraint hole in them
Bay windows they normally install a "crab bar"
Thanks guys!