Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?
I have an animated gif in my avatar hosted by muchos. It is 100x100, a 14 k file, and works everywhere but here. All I have beside my name is a still
If I open a new browser window and go to it still doesn't show as being animated?
who do u others who have animated gifs use to upload your picture?
The gif you posted isn't animated it is a single frame. I use Fireworks or similiar. Make sure once you have saved it you view it is a browser to check you saved your frames correct.
Yeah- strange... i saved it as a compuserve gif file- which works well on my browser and web site. Must only save as the first frame on muchos????
Thanks for your help guys!!!
E-mail it to me and I will sort it for you if you like.
Should work fine now, it was 130 x 100 and 24.4kb so it would not animate. I reduced it to 100 x 77 and 9.6kb and now it seems ok.
Thanks a lot Brad... I should have
mentioned that I cleaned the images
up a bit ( changing the file size) before
emailing it to you... sorry