I'm new to this world - I found it whilst researching VW campervans. I love this concept and congratulate all those involved.
I'm Melbourne based and keen on getting a camper any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated
Welcome to the forum.
With hundreds of active members there are usually 4 or 5 kombis for sale at any time; full campers come up as well, though more often traded in sunny
Qld than in the lower states.
You might find the "Used Bus Buyers' Guide" at the aussiekombicampers site of some use in keeping track of the various options.
There are members on this site who know VWs in every detail, so don't hesitate to ask anything you might want to know, you're sure to get
good replies.
Hi Mister dreamer
Some places to look for rust in buses are
Windscreen surround
Join at bottom of front clip
Rockers panels
Battery shelf
Front and cargo floors
A pillars (windscreen)
Inside rear front wheel arch
Rain gutters
Also check the air filter and fuel filters, If they are dirty it is a good gauge to what sort of maintenance the Kombi has had and potential engine
condition, the engine should be free of oily gunk build up, I dont know how many Kombi's I looked at when I was buying that had filthy engines,
air cooled engines need to be spotless so the air can do it's job of cooling the engine. Ill leave the rest for others to advise. Good Luck!
Welcome to the forum. Let me know if you need help getting an avatar sorted.
PS. We made 2000 members the other day.
well done vanderaj, very proud to be one of those 2000 You guys do a
very good job and deserve to be australians of they year