Okeedokee, all these egotrippers want to change their rankings. I don't, I just wanna change my username. Is this possible? Vwombat was the name of
my former camper, and my new ride is taking it personally. Any chance?!?
Sorry, this is really petty crap really isn't it? Feel free to hit me at the next Queensland event I'm game enough to turn up to.
Geez I'm a petty person. Maybe my new ride will excuse me now that he is a working avatar??? Please feel free to delete this purile thread guys!
That's my little girl's (1.5 years) tongue! Thought I should make something nice out of it!
Maybe you can use something off your Son?
Please U2U me with the details and I'll change your username.
You WILL have to log on again with your NEW username and your OLD password after I've done it.
Will do! Maybe I need a custom line tho'. The artist formerly known as vwombat?
Sorry, I don't want to make your life hell!