Hey andrew?
Did you get my U2U about Bugs problem?
There's no user by the name of "Bugs"
Found her. Do you have an e-mail address for her? Send it via a U2U, if so.
You have U2U!
could you send her a makeup password
please as she still cannot log on...
Still cant get in andrew....
even on my puter?
Whats the go????
Check your U2U
I sent you an U2U from her account. If she can't log in, it's her PC
The u2u has the current password in it, too. Very handy
I can post, but my browser is still telling me I'm offline and not logged in. Wierd, However that doesn't matter at least I can post again
and that's the main thing
[Edited on 29-4-2003 by 1972super]
If you're "offline" - go to the File menu and untick the "Work Offline" menu.
This site has no method of telling you you're offline - that's your browser doing that.
Andrew I posted a pic last night that I thought was under 50 kB , it may have been 60KB, but when I returned from looking at another site (ebay). I
had message that Site Bandwidth was over Limit.
I couldnt get on, tried for about 20 mins, gave up.
Was it just me or are we approaching CONGESTION.! ... (too many on-line)?
I got that too....
But, Thanks Andrew.
All is well in the Château Byron.
My shout for a drink at valla!
Glen and Tazzie - Thank Brad not me. He topped up AussieVeedubber's account after we hit 8 GB for the month.
The 8 GB limit has nothing to do with browsers, and everything to do with people like us who have nothing better to do than perv at cute VW's.
Hopefully with some sponsorship, the costs he's shouldering for us can be affrayed.
I was talkin about Byron bug....
But hey....
take all the thanks you can!
heheheh missed that!
No worries - I'm glad we got that sorted out. It seems XMB is a bit picky when it comes to cookies and Java support.
Andrew I've sent you an U2U
pls help.:cry
Whats happened to that USELESS bit of STAT information...
where it stated who spent the most time ( wasted the most time )
I was just getting used to using it .. n BANG
Yeh what dave said....
Just cause he was in first place......
Post away dave!
This is just a big *hug* & thankyou to
everyone who helped me try &" log on"
when I couldn't.
Andrew, many thankful & grateful moments you spent trying for me.
Like Taz said....I'll buy you a beer at Valla
for all your effort.
To Brad...I don't quite know what exactly you did....but thank you also.
& especially Taz, without him here playing on my computer, I would still be trying to
just "read" all everyones postings.
Taz I would be lost at times without you.
yes you are a "legend".
big *hugs* to all.
looking forward to seeing you all at the bar at Valla.
Bug (o\|/o)
AWW shucks.
You know nobody will believe you that i'm a nice guy!
But its all in a days work to keep the women happy.
And Andrew did all the work.