Is it just me or what? but my number of posts keeps reducing.......... Was over 550, now I'm back to 488?!?! WTF
heheheheehehe its funny cause its happening to some one else not me hehehe:bounce:bounce:bounce
11CAB - were you on the previous board? If so, what was your post count there?
You have 334 actual stored posts on this board.
Yes I was on the previous board and had around 250 posts when we swapped over.....
Pyro....thats not funny......
But why are my posts getting less??
I'm not saying a word!
Help..........I'm wasting away.....
mmm I will have a look around, it seems you are not increasing as you go either.
Is it fixed now??? If so thankyou to whom it may concern
Ive been stuck on 633 since we started the new site?
Any help to make my posts increase?
Thanks Guys
It's now 636, so it is going up.
The posts count for *all* posts increases as you post.