Helly guys and gals, well as of yesterday i am the prowd owner of a 1970 VW beetle. a DakDak was my first car and just fell in love, Being involved
with the local Vintage Car Club i have always had a passion for old cars, my normal Club regoed car "was" a Morris Minor but now have upgraded to the Dak Dak, only being 22 i may seem a bit out of place, but you cant help true love when you see it. I hope you can all help
me with im sure many stupid questions and look forward to oneday maybe meeting you all
Welcome to the nut house Ben.
Show us your new pride and joy.
Welcome Ben..........good to see you're upgrading
Welcome mate.
Thanks all, it probably wont be acouple off weeks now till i actually go pay for the car and pick it up, i bought the car from a fellow club member and i scored it for $900, and so far from what i can see it only needs two things, a paint job and a ignition barral, speaking of which, roughly how much for a ignition barral?
here are some pics