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New Guy Saying Hi!
PommyKarl - April 23rd, 2008 at 02:20 PM

Hi All, my names Karl, I'm 28 - originally from the UK (but don't hold that against me) and living in Sydney.

I have been here less than a year and already have myself a 71 superbug that I am in the process or rebuilding and a (currently) fairly rat look 66 bug on the go as well.

wondering what clubs or anything are local - so I thought I'd check out the site!



auraofgabriel - April 23rd, 2008 at 10:35 PM

Hey Carl... Welcome. :)

Im from gold coast so not sure bout the clubs down there...  ?? sure the Syd guys on this site will tell you. Im only new on here too. The VW Nationals at fairfield city showgrounds are on on the 25th May. Big event...

Good luck with it all


pod - April 23rd, 2008 at 10:46 PM

Dont forget Flat Four Veedub club 

68AutoBug - April 23rd, 2008 at 11:33 PM

Hi Karl,
You must have ordered all that rain.... lol

Yes, as Justine said,
the VW Nationals are on the 25th May

the biggest event in Sydney each year..

Everyone will be there

well, nearly every one... lol

cheers Karl
