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Newbie to the world of Beetles...
bigdan - November 17th, 2011 at 11:26 AM


Newbie to the Forum and to the world of VeeDubs, however I have always had a big soft spot for them.

I am hoping to start looking for my first beetle ealry in the new year and thought now would be a good time to join up on the forum and learn a bit more about them.

I am hoping to pick up a mid 60's model and use it as my daily driver + weekend cruiser for the family.



matberry - November 17th, 2011 at 02:16 PM

Welcome Dan, fill in your location details so people can advise you better, beetles for sale in your area etc. .

bigdan - November 17th, 2011 at 04:27 PM

Originally posted by matberry
Welcome Dan, fill in your location details so people can advise you better, beetles for sale in your area etc. .

Thanks mate, have now updated my Profile.

Loving the forum so far, some very nice rides on here.

68AutoBug - November 17th, 2011 at 04:49 PM

Originally posted by bigdan

Newbie to the Forum and to the world of VeeDubs, however I have always had a big soft spot for them.

I am hoping to start looking for my first beetle ealry in the new year and thought now would be a good time to join up on the forum and learn a bit more about them.

I am hoping to pick up a mid 60's model and use it as my daily driver + weekend cruiser for the family.



Mid 60s .. early mostly Aussie made until 1968 either 1200 1300 1500 or 1600 engines.. drum brakes..

1968> 1500 Beetles with front disc brakes and usually 1600 engines...

1971> Super beetles 1600 or NoN supers 1300 or 1600 engines..

1976 last model sold in Australia... very similar to 1968 beetle
1600 engine..



bigdan - November 18th, 2011 at 09:31 AM

Cheers Lee,

There's something about the shape of the earlier models that does it for me.

I do like alot of the later models aswell, but being a bit of an old skool guy, I think i'll end up with something pre-68.

Just gotta get over Christmas and sell my other toys to accomodate the new one!
