I think my car is attracted to its own kind... i always seem to spot loads of carrera beetles.
ok... hot pink carrera kit beetle, montague rd stones corner, nice paint job, interesting choice of wheels... i looooooove that colour! anyone on here
own it?
also, white carrera kit beetle, HUGE whale tail with flippy side bits, looks like a car in the works stage, also on montague rd stones corner...
anyone here belong to it? please u2u me if you do because i'd like to ask you some q's on your tail.
was going to stop at both of them and leave notes but was in a hurry! hope some people on here belong to these beetles!
Hey SB you going to Action Day? If so look out for Shani's Carrera beetle. Should be ready by then.
RB68, I look forward to seeing shani's lean green dakdak-ing machine...
so no-one on this forum belongs to that wicked pink beast? noooo!