Arrived at work to spot a note saying 'Skewy dropped in and said hi'
Sorry I missed you
I start at 12
Catch u soon
thats cool, when i go pick up my book on order i will see if u are around then
I'm there after 12 Mon - Fri, 10 - 1 on Sat
What book did u order?
simon glen's book
VW's of the world, and a techbook:bounce
Jen do you work in a book shop?
No, at YHA Travel Centre in the city
Skewy had probably gone to the 'Technical Book Shop' where discount on books if we're in the VW Club of Vic
I do order Lonely Planet books in cos we give YHA members a 20% discount on them. We're one of the biggest sellers of their books. I love books
so it's the best part of my job nearly, and I get to go to LP's party next month for their launch of new books for 2004:party