OK doing my usual back street thing (legally)
One very nice Type 3 Fastback in Savannah Beige. Wonderfyul condition from what I could see, seet!!!
Nectar it would have made up the perfect set on the Chapel St cruise:thumb
Then as soon as I stop drooling over this one and look where I'm going I spot a red Type 3 Sqback:kiss
Missed my usual other little side St to get a better look, which meant coming to Johnston St and either doing a right turn or going straight across
without trafic lights. At 5.30 pm I was not looking forward to the wait but the gods were on my side:thumb Decided on the straight across to miss more
traffic lights/intersections and the tram that was my first reason for taking this route.
Anyway this red Type 3 sqback was a very ncie clean ride with a Muller sticker on the back window
Well worth the missed side street, and it actually worked better this time, time wise. The gods were on my side:sandrine:sandrine
Jen, remember in the post that you wrote about spotting me, I mentioned a 68-69 Squareback, Well I acually met the guy (paul) in my street. He was
working on a house there! There seem to be alot more sav beige t3's than i thought!
Jen did ya sus out the sticker on the back of necters ride?
Ummm, no
What is it? I'm so slack sometimes:jesus
It was exciting seeing the fastback:bounce
Drove down there again tonight but neither of them were there
Well really this morning and tonight, think that street works better for me. Gotta keep moving:thumb