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extra special double whammy! splitty and 356
Starbug - September 22nd, 2003 at 01:11 PM

It was my absolute fortune to witness 2 beautiful peices of machinery traverse the streets of west end yesterday at 6oclock-ish in the afternoon.

the first was a green and white splitty driving down boundary street, looked very tidy!

and then mine eyes popeth out of my skull as my little red beetle was followed up a few streets including franklin street by none other than a very VERY VERY nice red porsche 356.

all in all, it ended up being a good trip to the shops!

T25Turbo - October 20th, 2003 at 11:14 AM

I saw the red 356 as well, it was a definite highlight of the trip home from work. It was at some lights on Stanley St.