Saw an outstanding original condition Oval Beetle on the back of a tilt truck, heading to Byron from Canberra way. Someones got a good buy.
lucky git
Yes I think it was Bruce's (Byron Bus)
latest purchase.
He told me it was to be delivered yesterday....will check it out today
Congrat's have now joined
us beetle owners....
hope he intends to use it...very nice!!!!
Yeah it me...:thumb
Will post some pics soon, needs some tender loving care...
robroy, how did you know it was heading up byron way?
How is it dude ?
Yeah good, needs a tidy up, do you think people will get upset if i put a ragtop in it?
your car dude......
Now i got my ragtop in would be without it...........
Throw one in there.....
I was chatting to the towey, needs tidying up eh!!!! looks damn fine to me already.Is it original paint?
It was spotted a few times I hear making its way to Byron....looks nice when I passed you today...
You look different now..have to get used
to you in a bug & not in Bus or Yoot.
Hmmm, needs slamming