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VW wedding cars on the Gold Coast
ByronBug - November 9th, 2003 at 08:45 PM

:sandrine Hi All
Spotted this arvo (Sun) around 4.30pm Coolangatta on the God Coast Highway ....
3 VW's looking really beautiful being used as wedding cars....
First was the nice blue & white Splitty Kombie
(the one in the KFC ad I think)
Second a cute blue & white beetle
Third was a silver/blue stunning K/Ghia
All looked great going down the highway.
Whoever the newly married couple were
you where so lucky to have such stunning cars to use.
To the looked great!!!
Judy :)

Miss Piggy - November 9th, 2003 at 08:52 PM

And you never got any pics????


Y2K - November 9th, 2003 at 08:59 PM

Damn that would have looked gorgeous.

Ive learnt my lesson, i always keep my camera on me at all times. Even take it to work. We get some great lookin VWs in Byron during the day. I got a beauty of mine and another white new beetle parked next to each other while i was working at night. :thumb:D

ByronBug - November 9th, 2003 at 10:39 PM


Didn't have digital handy...
Only saw them going in the opposite direction so it still too quick to get the pics taken...
God they looked good.....whos wedding was that...anyone know?

Herbie - November 10th, 2003 at 12:55 AM

I remember reading about the wedding plans in the Gold Coast Dub Club Newsletter, but for the moment I cant lay my hands on the newsletter cos my house looks like a bomb hit it.
but Robo or PJ will know.

LittleMissHerbina - November 17th, 2003 at 12:59 PM

i cant wait to get married and rock up in a VW.

I cant decide what to go in yet but probablly a beetle.
Would also help if i had a man

byronbus - November 18th, 2003 at 08:10 AM

Thats funny purplevw67, I cant get married until I finish the split and get the oval looking a bit neater...
I dont think I could convince my bride to ride in the back of the ute...although that would be cool :D

JOE751 - November 18th, 2003 at 08:24 AM

I was quite dissapointed that my splitty was off the road when we got married would have loved to have used him...ahh well