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shoud rename it ... Dubcastle
skwinnos_bugz - March 10th, 2004 at 02:54 PM

i saw so many vw's drivin around newcastle on saturday! it was like an invasion, a much welcome invasion :D

VWFOOL - March 10th, 2004 at 07:28 PM

ive noticed alot more in recent weeks on the weekend, trouble is trying to round them up into a club...
wat brings u to newcastle (Neuburg)?

skwinnos_bugz - March 10th, 2004 at 09:47 PM

just looking for stuff for stuff for my fishtank :alien when i get at least one of my bugs i may have to join :D


1303Steve - March 10th, 2004 at 10:17 PM


I was up your way on the weekend, went and saw John Farnham at Tempest 2, had some raindrops falling on our heads.

Had a couple of meals at Potters pub, how good is that place, Im going to suggest our club has a run up to the Hunter again and we might all stay there, might be able to time it when they are having a German festival.

Didnt see any bugs though.


VWFOOL - March 11th, 2004 at 01:48 PM

if you'd like to arrange it with our club im sure we could hav a pretty good time...


skwinnos_bugz - March 11th, 2004 at 02:03 PM

there doesnt seem to be many around cessnock :mad: its something im gonna have to fix :D if u turned off the main road you were more than welcome to come and work on my beetles for me :P next time let me know and ill get my toolbox ready for ya lol
