Spotted heading south on the SE free way Wed Arvo.
One very nice white/blue splitty.
Very cool.
saw a white/pale blue splitty on Newnham Road turning into BP in Wishart at around 3pm yesterday (wednesday 15/9). looked very nice! was going faaast
same one you saw andy?
This wouldn't happen to be the one would it??We took this photo as we passed this splitty when we were up in QLD about a month ago..........
No Lams,
The one I saw had a darker blue, looked very stock.
Near where I have moved to (Clayfield) there are two splitties and a KG in a yard. Splitties every where
splittychick that looks like the one i saw, but I was driving the other way and i was changing lanes so I couldn't get a good look at it.
Andy the one you saw was it lowered?
Hi Lams,
No this one had stock ride height, stock wheels.