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Splitties! - melbourne
aggri1 - September 24th, 2004 at 08:32 AM

Two days or so ago, I saw my first driving splitty! Wow, what a sight, I was so excited. Beautiful: maroon upper half, white or cream lower. In fantastic condition. Driving along Warrigal Road in Oakleigh.

Then yesterday I was visiting a mate in Richmond, and he said that there's a splitty that lives nearby (I've told him about splittys and bays at length). We went to have a look, and it was an absolute dream. OK, no 23 window barny, but I loved the cream or white lower and soft blue upper paint scheme. It was a later model, big front indicators and stuff.

And I saw some beautiful bugs. I also saw a huge number of bays. Yay.

So I'm really happy!

Kombi-ing. Aurel.