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blue split, on trailer, pennant hills road
warb - October 9th, 2004 at 01:14 AM

start of the week, 60's split, on a trailer behind a watercooled VW van, anyone here? looked nice (the split that is, not the van) :P

byronbus - October 9th, 2004 at 07:42 AM

That was me...a mates split, with genuine 102,000miles, should be registered by it for a good price to, absolutley no rust, and started after 10 years, but clutch was stuck on...

byronbus - October 9th, 2004 at 07:48 AM

They are out there, you know what they say "what goes around comes around"...
Another mate of mine just picked up a sweet early 60's singlecab...

ColumBUS - October 10th, 2004 at 10:53 PM

theyre around are they?

you let me know when you ind another one... coz i cant find one!

Daniel - cursing his luck

byronbus - October 11th, 2004 at 08:15 AM

u2u me what your looking for, my mate has found at least 5 in the last few months...

Do you want a panel? A microbus? Standard 11 window?
How much do you want to spend?

david - October 11th, 2004 at 08:54 AM

even has one safari window and semaphores ,no gates will post picks

bugboymatt - October 11th, 2004 at 09:01 AM

Umm a nice old panel would suit me to the ground !

byronbus - October 11th, 2004 at 01:12 PM

a mate has one in sydney if your keen...u2u me and i'll give you his number

byronbus - October 11th, 2004 at 01:16 PM

There are a few project buses and also a freshly painted absolutley no rust early 11 window bus with motor and gearbox, lowered front end and irs rear for around $13000, pretty good considering the other buses that have been forsale on here lately with rust...