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Poraga in Helidon..
Buggyboy - March 20th, 2005 at 06:51 PM

Was cruising through Helidon (Near Toowoomba) the other day and saw one of those 911 beetle copies.... I think they were called Poraga. Looked really good in the red and looked like it even had a targa roof, middle aged bloke driving it. Apparently lives at a place called Iredale or something like that...

Anyone here own it ?

psychobuggers - March 23rd, 2005 at 10:38 AM

Is this the red one you're talking about, I think you'll find the middle aged guy drives the Herbie look-alike, what is it with all these Herbie's, enough allready!

BJ - April 6th, 2005 at 08:53 PM

saw that red poraga pulled over by cops the other nite, maybe arrested for going to slow, looks pretty good for a copy.