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will regret this but may know where abouts of country bug
Wag67 - April 11th, 2005 at 08:30 PM

So i was talking to one of my passengers today on a tour of Byron bay and well we saw a blue country bug and he happen to mention that he knew of one in a paddock about 100km north west of Newcastle. he doesn't know if it is still there but has given me the possible street name and owners name. Is there anyone that lives in the area that would be able to help me find out as it is a long way to drive on the off chance. I have a freind that lives in Parkes and they may be in that area in the next month that could arrange pick up if it all payed off. any honest help would be appreciated

Chewy - April 11th, 2005 at 08:38 PM

Well save it whatever you do, if its just rotting away in a paddock..

kustomkool - April 13th, 2005 at 02:35 PM

Good luck may it all prevail...

VWCOOL - April 13th, 2005 at 02:45 PM

I will be up that way in a week or so...

VDUBXTC - April 14th, 2005 at 02:23 AM

If thats the 2 sitting in a yard at Tamworth then they were sold on the weekend.

Wag67 - April 14th, 2005 at 05:17 AM

no they are a bit further south of tamworth.

68AutoBug - April 14th, 2005 at 08:10 AM

One of the locals in the area Here [Upper Hunter Valley] has his eye on one,
sitting in a paddock covered in grass...
He hopes to do it up and drive it....

Lets hope more of these ultra rare Aussie VWs surface....

Main problem was they were owned by farmers....
and when farmers are finished with something they either leave it where it is, or stick it in the rubbish paddock....


68AutoBug - April 14th, 2005 at 08:11 AM

One other thing about Farmers....

They want the earth for anything.......

They think everything is worth 10 times more than it is....


VWCOOL - April 14th, 2005 at 08:27 AM

Originally posted by manx_xtc
If thats the 2 sitting in a yard at Tamworth then they were sold on the weekend.

To good homes, I hope...?

VDUBXTC - April 14th, 2005 at 05:21 PM

Don't worry the parts aren't going to go any where near buggies.
The guy who got them actually thinks country buggies are cool and loves em. go figure hey;)

DIY-DUB - April 16th, 2005 at 04:58 PM

pimpin country, would be um different

VWCOOL - April 17th, 2005 at 10:34 AM

Originally posted by manx_xtc
Don't worry the parts aren't going to go any where near buggies.
The guy who got them actually thinks country buggies are cool and loves em. go figure hey;)

what a weirdo!