well i finally spotted u mate, i was in the oval next to u on alison road, sweet looking CB
I just got home from an 8 day ski trip at perisher. The snow was GREAT! didn't see too many VWs though but when touring sydney I did see an army
CB... don't know if it's the same one?
also spotted this oval at coffs harbour at the motel next to the windmill motel.
sorry I hijacked your thread but I thought I shouldn't start a new one since it's the same car :Pnn[ Edited on 5-7-2005 by Lams ]
yep same one, and thats one lucky P plater
ive seen this getting a service at st peters "sydney at wolfsburg autos
the owner of the CB is on the forum, username is "puurri"
That buggy is cool. I want one.
If only I had more room.........................
....it is a sweet CB :thumb