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Pearl Paint Beetle Castle Hill
bat69 - October 16th, 2005 at 10:24 PM

I keep seeing this ripper Beetle in the Castle Hill area, usually driving around the towers. It has a ripper pearl paint job, so I cant really tell what colour it is and also has massive wheels (look like 17")

Any one here own it or know who does. One fine looking auto....

[ Edited on 16/10/2005 by bat69 ]

frenzix - October 29th, 2005 at 11:36 PM

i see that parked right near my folks house in northmead, is it greenish? With bling bling wheels that stick waayy to far out of the guards? Whoever it is works i think at the hairdressers on ventura rd.. i grew up around there.

bat69 - November 4th, 2005 at 09:22 AM

That could be the one. I have only ever seen it drive past me. I saw it again on Monday, the rego starts with: DUB * * * I couldnt get the numbers