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QLD South East FWY
Grock - November 27th, 2005 at 10:45 PM

Driving home and spotted 3 dubs on the side of the road near Ormeau, 2 bugs and a t3. Seemed to be something wrong with one of the bugs. Hope it wasnt serious. Couldnt stop was in the "fast" lane.

Later near springwood i saw 2 bays (1 early 1 late) traveling in convoy. Very nice. Hope nobody got caught in the storms. There was some mad lightening and serious rain this arvo. Glad my kombi was safe and dry in the garage.

h - November 27th, 2005 at 11:57 PM

they probably were coming home from the goldie show..

$2.63 homebrand baja - November 28th, 2005 at 07:46 AM

Were you in a blue Kombi grock? glad you were in the fast lane so you missed us all flipping you the finger... ;) nahh, be thankful you didn't stop or your ride may have got ideas from our three..
:bounce that was festy, osama and shaun. His beautiful oval decided to have a rest......... in the middle of the highway....nothing major, just distributor prob.... oh my! that was the easy part,, I will post up the story in the next day or so (once i manage to uncurl myself from this annoying fetal position and stop rocking back and forth!)... Farrrr ooouuuttt!!!!!!! it involes 3, cars experiencing tech difficulties, (including, batteries, shockkies, and untold surprises awaiting my discovery in the next day or two) torrential rain, hail, a lighting strike, a pair of pink thongs which set sail down a storm water drain, a few aerobic workouts pushing 3 different cars at 3 different stages, soggy dog, soggy pants, near bladder misfunction through too much laughter, a lovely drive in the country, and festy is having a sleepover at thors place for a day or two *takes deep breath and continues*. Nah nah festy broke down the bestest :ninja: OMG the 3 cars caught vw worms or something, from the goldcoast show...... so-oo weird. i need a day to recover before I go fix festy :alien:

It was a really great day at the show,,, till we went home :duh :lol:

Grock - December 1st, 2005 at 10:10 PM

alas, i was not in my kombi... (which happens to be blue)

All these problems and yet we probably wouldnt have it any other way. It makes for good stories... I wonder where the pink thongs are now? Safe at home? or somewhere much much more sinister?