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blue kombi passing through blackheath
AmandaluvsMaurice53 - January 22nd, 2006 at 06:09 PM

hey seen a nice two tone blue & white kombi passing through blackheath. the number plate was "wotsup" we were behind it (my sis and I) & she woke me up to tell me bout it. was hoping to overtake it but she turned.

Schmoburger - January 22nd, 2006 at 07:20 PM

all raise your ands for the mghty Kombi! :D

winerot - January 23rd, 2006 at 07:05 PM

hey mandy while your in syd maybe find a bargain for me(you pay)
come on your mum & i got you the beetle:kiss

AmandaluvsMaurice53 - January 23rd, 2006 at 08:29 PM

no way dad we have like 7 volkswagens now! so maybe we should give it a break! OR we could just buy a Karmann Ghia and that would top it off nicely
luv ya

amanda xxx