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LHD Split window bug.... Ballina NSW
Type3Sicko - February 12th, 2008 at 06:08 PM

Like it says above, not sure of the exact colour, a light blue nonetheless and a very tidy bug indeed, not historically registered but obviously well loved, sorry, no pics as i did not want to look too dodgy.

Joel - April 29th, 2008 at 07:38 PM

thats ross's bug
he got a pretty nice collection
also a mint pidgeon blue 56 oval, 61 cabrio and a new mexican beetle
2001 i think it is

matberry - April 29th, 2008 at 07:45 PM

I believe the split had not long ago gone for resto.
If shes back already, how does she look??

Volksrestore did Ross's Pidge and cab, about 9 years ago.

Joel - April 29th, 2008 at 09:11 PM

i havent seen the split for a few years
he doesnt bring it out much
that oval was one nice ride

i havent spoken to ross for a while but i heard a couple of days ago his misses has just had a stroke