yes I spotted another thing
I was travelling in my bug this morning around 11am (Monday)
a red/orange coloured thing was coming into Byron Bay. Nice to see another of these rare little VW's around.
A young guy driving it, and yes I got a wave from him.
Was it you...or someone you know?
Judy (o\|/o)
Byron Bug
:thumb its actually a country buggy, he lives in byron, works at the community centre, a friend of Andy's...
isnt there another country buggy in byron one of the dive shops has it?
Yeah Andy from Byron Bay Sea Kayaks has one, and a 66 double door panel...
in prospect `10 mins drive from adelaide there is a thing parked in the drive way all the tim its a old guy who drives it
cheers mattie
Hi byronbus
your mate andy someone said he also has a spare country buggy which is rusted out is this so and would he sell the front end and gbox maybe?