spotted a blue 56 oval on the gold coast this evening near australia fair ,damn it lwas sweet ,i like the atlas white walls on it too, very nice
restoration, if this is anyone on here, let me know i'll be keen to have a good look at it
Yeah I saw the Oval too outside Australia Fair and round near spotrys wearhouse just after 5pm.
It is one very nice bug..............
If only mine looked anything like It........
tell me about it i was jealous too ... lol can't wait till mine look like that.
Were you driving your oval ?
Tried to park the Kombi near by but alas no parking spaces !!!!
I carn't wait to see it in full day light and have a good look.........
was coming back from work and stopped at the shop on the way.... should get together some time, all the gold coast guys....what you reckon?
Yeah sounds like a good plan.........
Sound good to me too
sunday arvo cruises etc perhaps
hi herbie,
still waiting for you to drop in... sunday arvo cruise sounds like a plan as long as it is before i start work at 3.00 pm ..... let me know of anything happening ...
Hi Guys,
Let me know too, would love to come along....
Judy (o\|/o)
How about 10 am this sunday the 20th
we could meet on the top floor of pacific fair car park out front of the cinemas in a clear space. Thats fairly central and easy to find.
All those keen say EYE
we could go for a drive or lunch etc maybe out to spring brook or numinbah valley or something else.
Cheers Tony
I will pencil it in at this stage, but the Kombi wont be able to get to the top level of the car park! I could park at the bottom some where and get a
lift to the top.
It might be easier for me to come to your place before 10am.
Or I meet you around the Tweed area
& all go from there.
Ring me or u2u me.
Judy (o\|/o)
Anyone else?
I'll be easy to spot in the carpark.
I'm asking around...may have more coming
See you on Sunday,
Looking forward to meeting you.
Judy (o\|/o)
Depending on how people feel, I thought a drive out to numinbah valley to the Cafe out there, nice drive and and a good place to chat when we stop.
nice and relaxed.
I set my phone to remind me.
am gonna have to miss this sunday due to work and familly commitments
hopefully next time i will be able to ....
ok sorry to hear you can't make it Sleeper.
Was looking forward to meeting you. =(
So we have coming...
Herbie, Robbo, myself (I am bringing friend who owns beetle), bug boy matt, Paul (friend of Robbo & myself),
anyone else?
Judy (o\|/o)
Hi Herbie
definately comming along, cant wait to see Herbie, and have a yarn about DU DU.
If i can get the other one and a half cylinders to fire properly i'll be there ! Spent most of the day getting the heap opps i mean bug ready
for action !!!
Trying to get all sorted for tomorrow / valla................
I'll be pissed if i not get to meet up with ya all...............
Oh well better get back to it if wanna make tomorrow...................
Cool sounds like it may be a good day out.
See yas there.
my mobile number is 0411 637 286
if you need to contact me, like you have gotten there but cant find anyone or you are running late but want us to wait or something like that.
10 am sunday out front of pacific fair cinemas on the top level.
Cheers Tony
How did u guys get on today ?
Sorry I didn't make it was looking fwd to it. But alas Dougal is still playing up !
I think i got some plugs breaking down on me.
So time for another new set of plugs. dizzy cap and rotor. And a general clean up to boot !
So how went, and where ya all go ?
I hate it when someone moves the h and the w around on this keyboard !!!!!!
You will be sorry to hear you missed a great day.
Yes we all met, Herbie-Beetle, Robbo-Kombi, myself-61 Beetle, Paul & Jane- Kombi, Maya-New Beetle, went for a cruise to Numumbah Valley, had great
chat & meal,
also met another fellow V dubber in new black Beetle. He also joined us in a photo shoot....soon to be posted on forum.
Sorry you missed it, would have been great to meet you.
And yes there will be a "next" cruise.
we will keep you posted...
Judy (o\|/o)
Yes, It was a fun day,
A nice, relaxing day out, meeting new friends, also afflictied with this crazy VW dementia we all have.
This is the only photo I have managed to rip off my camera before I screwed the softare up into a knot.
It seems very low res, so I must have stuffed it up taking it off the Cam but the photos should all be good.
we can do a similar sort of thing in a few weeks when your bug is going better.
Cheers Tony
PS I will sort out these pics in the next few days I hope.
Glad ya all had fun. I was pished i missed it. Got the shytes with my bug !!
Still there will be a next time so when me going again i'll be there.......................:bounce
I'll keep my eyes peeled for more pics..........
Hi Herbie
when we got home my daughter couldn't wait to tell mom she saw Herbie!
It was amazing to see the look on the faces of 30-40 year old kids when they saw something from their childhood passing by, you shore made a lot of
them smile! including me!
:thumb:thumb:thumb Rob.....
Yeah its a lot of fun, and its great to see the smiles on peoples faces, I think too many people get wrapped up in being an adult and forget how much
fun it was to be a kid and that short glimpse of something from their childhood gives them a quick rush and the smile shows it.
I am happy to take someone with me, but I have no back seatbelts so its one at a time.
But dont have a problem if anyone wants to take the spare seat.
This reminds me.... Am I supposed to have back seatbelts? I never got any with the car and didnt see anywhere where they would go.
If it didnt have belts when it was first registered Im pretty shure it dosent need them (NSW) My old EH holden never had them and it had to go over
the pits after I finished restoring it and at the time they passed it with no rear belts.
Im not sure about QLD reg's
Mine has got no seatbelts at all (f or B)
last model to not come out with any.
I was rego'd in Qld & didn't have to put any in if it did'nt come out with any.
My insurers were cool with it as they labeled it a "classic" vehicle, over 30 yrs old & cheap insurance.
In December rego'd in N.S.W. & still didn't have no problem with no seatbelts.
But the new insurance company & had to really pay high insurance.
Judy (o\|/o)
Its funny that I ride a big bike capable of doing 290 klm/hour with no seatbelts,
But I feel somehow like its sooooo dangerous to have people without seatbelts in the back.
I guess I just feel responsible for the passengers safety.
I guess it just depends on the passengers.
I might just put some lap sashes in to ease my concience.