well over the weekend i spotted over 300 vws
i'd be worried if you went to valla and manages NOT to see over 300
aight lol
actually pending alcohol consumption or time spent rebuilding your engine (amaazer) it is quite easy to not see 300
That was only 1 of the great things about the weekend.
Cruising with 300 VW's was even better.
I heard somewhere there were around 260 on the drive to Nambucca.
The dubs to the pub run in brissie organised by the bad little buggers had about 290 this year.
yes dubs by the pub this year was a kool cruise.
Looking forward til next one
How much bigger is it goin to be nextyear?
I'm definately going cause i missed out this year!
Dubs by the pub was pretty good, i still remember all the cars backed up on the on-ramps cause they couldnt get through the line of VWs.